Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

Contoh Tema untuk lomba debat Bahasa Inggris

Debate motions :

1. THW legalize assisting suicide website
2. THW ban arranged marriage
3. THBT affirmative action brings more harm than good

1. THW allow an independent candidate to run for president
2. THBT decentralization has failed
3. TH should give independence to Papua.

1.       THBT Asia should welcome Chinese Military Expansion
2.       TH regrets Myanmar’s appointment as future ASEAN chair
3.       THW have the African Union take over all peacekeeping duties in Africa
4.       THW expand the permanent membership of the UN Security Council
5.       THBT Pakistan should abandon its collaboration with the USA in the War on Terror
6.       THBT the West should push on with its plan to embargo Iranian oil

1.  THBT parents should be responsible toward their children’s crime
2. THW require Children’s consent for parent divorce
3. THBT parental consent should be required for underage pregnant women to have abortions

1. THW ban boxing
2. THW legalize use of performance enhancing drugs in sport
3. THBT hosting Olympic is a good investment

Economics and Politics
1.       THW introduce a financial transaction tax
2.       THW forgive student debt
3.       THBT the government should not treat water as a basic human rights, but rather as a commodity

Modern Society
1.       THW provide free broadband internet services for everyone
2.       THW give tax breaks/credits for those who choose to commit into a covenant marriage
3.       THW require online gaming companies to compensate therapy costs for players who become addicted to MMORPGs
1.       THBT developing countries should embrace reproductive tourism
2.       THBT the Arab Spring has been a disaster for women
3.       THBT the feminist movement should celebrate Disney Princesses

*THW : The House Will  ( “pemerintah” akan ... )

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